What is this?
Editorial articles on this website may contain affiliate links. The articles are written because we hope their subject will be of interest to you. We have not received any payments to include any of the links, from any retailer or advertiser. Articles where this is the case are clearly labelled Advertorial or Sponsored Content.
We have included them because we believe the contents of the article will be of interest to you and that by creating engaging, relevant articles we offer value to you. We write about products or services we think you may want to buy – and if you do, in most cases, we will receive a commission from the retailer for the sale – this is at no additional cost to you.
What are affiliate schemes?
Affiliate schemes enable online retailers to track the source of their sales on the internet, and pay a commission to the websites that supply them – the objective is to generate more sales for the retailer and to allow the referring website to generate their own revenue from commission.
How does it work?
We work with several affiliate networks. These networks have affiliate relationships with thousands of retailers and other publishers, and their technology enables clicks on links from our sites to retailers that result in a product being purchased to be attributed to us – we then receive a commission for this sale.
We are also an Amazon Associate.
Olly & Fox is a reader supported site – running a site has costs and this is a way of ensuring we can cover those costs whilst keeping the site free for you to enjoy.
Your data
When you follow a affiliate link, they use cookies that contain an anonymous and unique identifier number. This identifier is only used so if you make a purchase they know we referred you and they can pay commission. We do not share any information about you with these partners.
You have any questions about our use of affiliates, let us know.